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Seven Warning Signs That You're Eating Too Much Sugar

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/11/2024

As sugar levels in the average diet continue to rise, it is important to be able to tell the signs of overconsumption so you can support your health.

Learn about how sugar consumption affects your health, the symptoms of sugar consumption, and how you can adopt the keto diet to prevent negative consequences to your health.

Understanding Sugar Consumption and Its Impact on Health

Sugar is more than just a sweet treat, it's can serve as an energy for our bodies that gets converted into glucose to fuel cellular functions.

Unfortunately, most people eat way too much sugar, which is very damaging. Most people consume at least nine teaspoons of added sugar daily, with teenagers topping the scale at 18.5 teaspoons.

Natural sweetener on wooden spoon

The Role of Sugar in Our Diet

In moderation, sugar gives us quick energy boosts. But most carbohydrates - about 275 grams daily for an average person - eventually become sugar.

Aside from those nine spoons you add to your food and drink, another potential 68.8 teaspoons are indirectly entering your bloodstream. The only exception is fiber – a carb that doesn't convert into sugars.

The Dark Side of Excessive Sugar Intake

Overeating sugar can lead to serious health problems like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

In addition to these severe health risks, too much sugar can lead to tiredness. This happens after your blood sugar spikes and then quickly drops - a phenomenon commonly known as a 'sugar crash.' 

Unmasking Insulin Resistance

Sugar can cause insulin resistance when consumed too often, which leads to devastating health consequences.

What is Insulin Resistance?

You may ask yourself, what exactly is insulin resistance? Simply put, it's when your body stops responding to the hormone insulin as effectively as it should. This causes glucose levels in your blood to rise, setting the stage for potential health problems.

The Hidden Epidemic

Approximately 33% of us are dealing with this condition and don't even know it. It's believed that most individuals could be suffering from insulin resistance to some extent. Yet despite its prevalence, most doctors rarely test for this condition.

Recognizing the Warning Signs of Excessive Sugar Consumption

If you're consuming too much sugar, your body may be trying to warn you. Recognizing these signs can help prevent health issues.

Physical Symptoms

Frequent urination and increased thirst are common physical signs of excessive sugar consumption. These symptoms arise as your body tries to eliminate excess glucose through urine.

Hunger between meals is another sign that shouldn't be ignored. After consuming something sugary, when blood sugar levels quickly plunge, it may cause a feeling of hunger again shortly afterward.

If blurry vision or fatigue become frequent occurrences for no apparent reason, it might also signal an overconsumption of sugar.

This happens because high blood sugar levels damage blood vessels in the eyes and make cells incapable of transforming food into energy properly.

Emotional and Mental Symptoms

Irritability and mood swings are psychological signs associated with a high intake of sugars. Consuming lots of sweets can cause a spike in the feel-good hormone dopamine, followed by an inevitable crash, which could lead to irritability.

The American Heart Association's Recommendations on Sugar Intake

Did you realize that the AHA has given out guidelines regarding daily sugar intake? Let's delve into these guidelines.

Understanding the Guidelines

Women should restrict their extra sugar intake to 6 teaspoons daily, whereas men should not exceed. This is far less than what most people currently consume. But why such strict limits?

High sugar consumption has been linked to weight gain, heart disease, and other health issues. The AHA bases its guidelines on solid scientific research with a focus on promoting overall well-being.

How to Measure Your Daily Sugar Intake

Monitoring your sugar intake does not have to be a challenge. Start by reading food labels carefully; look at the total and added sugars.

You'd be surprised how quickly those little grams add up throughout the day. Making mindful choices about your diet will help you stay within the recommended range.

The Connection Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes and Sugar Consumption

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition, while type 2 usually results from lifestyle factors like excessive sugar consumption. But how does this work? Type 2 Diabetes with a syringe

The Path to Type 2 Diabetes

When you eat a donut or drink a soda, your body converts the sugars into glucose. This raises blood sugar levels, triggering your pancreas to release insulin.

This hormone helps cells absorb glucose for energy use. Over time, though, constant high-sugar diets can make cells resistant to insulin’s effects.

This resistance forces the pancreas to produce more insulin, which can eventually wear out these organ's cells, leading to type 2 diabetes.

Dietary Approach for Sugar Management

Managing sugar intake through dietary approaches is crucial for overall health and well-being. One popular dietary strategy often discussed is the ketogenic or keto diet.

Many people wonder, does keto work for sugar management? The keto diet is low in carbohydrates and encourages the body to enter a state of ketosis, primarily burning fat for energy instead of glucose.

This can benefit some individuals with diabetes or those looking to regulate blood sugar levels. However, consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any diet is essential, as individual responses can vary.

A proper diet that includes lean proteins and plenty of vegetables remains a practical approach for sugar management, promoting stable energy levels and overall health.


Recognizing the adverse effects of excessive sugar consumption on health is essential. Symptoms such as increased thirst, frequent hunger, and fatigue can indicate overconsumption.

Adhering to recommended guidelines and exploring dietary approaches like the ketogenic diet may help manage blood sugar levels and promote overall health.

Consulting a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes is advisable. By taking proactive steps to manage sugar intake, individuals can support their health and well-being in the long run.

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