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author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/31/2023

A calcium deficiency is a more common problem than you might think. Learn more about the best test for calcium deficiency—it’s so easy!

0:00 Introduction: How to spot a deficiency of calcium

0:10 What causes calcium deficiency?

0:32 Calcium deficiency symptoms

1:20 What does calcium do?

1:32 Factors that affect calcium absorption

3:58 The best test for calcium deficiency

5:09 The deeper causes of calcium deficiency

7:56 Check out my other video on calcium!

I’m going to show you a simple home test you can do to help determine if you have a calcium deficiency.

Calcium is a mineral we need for our muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and the nervous system.

The most common cause of calcium deficiency is the body not absorbing calcium or utilizing it properly.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency:

• Anxiety

• Irritability

• Insomnia

• Muscle tension

• Spasms or cramps

• Low back pain

• Constipation

• High blood pressure

• Heart palpitations

• Frequent nose bleeds

• Soft fingernails

• Frequent cold sores

• Frequent sunburns (with limited sun exposure)

• Hives

• Frequent fevers

• Frequent hoarseness

• Chronic coughing

• Difficulty falling asleep

Many things can lower your absorption of calcium, including:

• Low vitamin D

• Low magnesium

• Low levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach

• A deficiency of essential fatty acids

• Low estrogen

• Excessively alkaline blood

• Gut inflammation

• Hypothyroidism

• Low calcitonin

The best test for calcium deficiency (don’t do this test if you have peripheral vascular disease):

1. Wrap a standard blood pressure cuff around your calf

2. Pump it up and record the number showing when you start feeling a cramp, then stop and deflate

3. If the number is:

• 200 or less—suspect a calcium deficiency

• 200 to 220—you have sufficient calcium levels

• 220 to 240—you have optimal calcium levels Don’t go above 240

Watch My Videos on Alkaline pH Here:

▶️ https://youtu.be/yqAEh4bb4tg

▶️ https://youtu.be/m_AKdZ2E1oo

How to Fix Low Estrogen Levels:

▶️ https://youtu.be/OkThAmV1M8Y

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